ORCA Education's
eLearning Library

  • free membership – free course units to try
  • rich and varied interactive content
  • follows a learning pathway
  • learn – explore – revise – test
Free Courses!

Why join the Library?

  • Lesson Box Library brings high quality affordable resources.
  • One full Lesson Box course unit per subject and topic preview videos will always be free to our Library members.
  • Receive a newsletter to keep up to date with new resources and offers.
  • This year to mark our 21st year we are offering special Class Group prices to teachers from as low as 40p per student per month. The teachers’ just simply need to join Lesson Box Library for free then contact us to learn of the latest offers.
  • Check our Class Group Memberships for Teachers and Tutors to see how your students can enjoy the benefits of Lesson Box Library courses while you track their progress in detail.
Who uses Lesson Box Library?

Lesson Box Courses are for when studying,
for exam revision, for making course choices,
as a foundation for vocational study,
to help you at work..

How do I study?

Study at your own pace and in a way that suits you. Your progress is recorded with feedback to you or your tutor all the way. Follow a learning pathway.
learn, explore, revise and then test.

What is in each Lesson Box Unit?

Engaging self paced presentations with call up extras and narrators. Learning tasks to complete, subject terms and key questions to explore. Narrated revision then games, quizzes and formal tests.


Lively feature packed presentations start all courses. Pop-up extras give detail and animated narrators comment to generate discussion.


Explore develops and embeds learning. Students find discussion or Q & A sessions, subject vocabulary explained and a choice of challenging  tasks.

revise & test

Revisit the content with a narrated summary of the key points. Retrieve knowledge and reinforce understanding with formative online tests,  quizzes and games.

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Trusted supplier to UK schools since 2003

UK schools supplied